W11-Sound Project
Even though I learned some instruments, never have I understood any musical theories. I was intimated and didn't know where to start. My partner, Shannon, was undoubtedly in the same boat as me.
Heavily primed, influenced, and brainwashed by my new favorite song recently, Blue Monday by New Order. I proposed to work something off base on that music. We were quickly onboard to create a piece with distinctive beats. Also, I think beats are more manageable to compose than melodies, and it turned out to be true.
In our work, we want to record our life at ITP on zoom-the massive pile of unfolded laundry sitting across from my laptop inspired me. In Blue Monday, the musician slowly introduced layers of beats on top of other layers. This method works for our theme perfectly. We want our one-minute sound piece as an analogy of life from the beginning of school to the end. The experience was manageable at first but slowly getting busier and crazier over time.
I think the work we produced presents, at least mine, this semester of ITP well. It is busy and crazy, as a lot of stuff is going on at the same time. Yet things are happening in an orderly manner.
Words: Chaos, Busy, Energetic, Progression, Ordered