W3-CAD models

Model1: Cat bowl

In the making of this cat bowl, I first extrude a tapered tube from a circle. I had to eyeball the taper angle because I didn't have a measurement. Then I cut into the shape and used fillet to create smooth rounded edges. After I had an overall body, I made the object's shell and applied fillet to the rest of the edges. Lastly, I sketched a rectangle around the bottom edge and used sweep to create an additional ring at the bottom.


Modle2: iPhone USB-C Charger

The iPhone charger's making was straightforward, but I had fun creating all the little details on the two metal pieces of the plug. I created a midplane to mirror the metal piece, making sure they are centered and identical.


Model3: Diffuser

For the last object, I wanted to go for a little bit above and beyond. I recreated the diffuser turbine with three moving parts and spiral turbine fans at the top, which turned out to be challenging for me. I extruded a tapered tube and created a shell of the shape by selecting all three faces. Then I used a three-point arc slot to create cutouts on the top. I made an offset plane at the bottom of the diffuser and sketched out the cutout shape. Similar steps were followed for the rest of the bottom part.

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For the upper part, after creating the overall shape, I made two offset planes. I learned from a youtube video; I learned to use the coil tool to generate the turbine. I didn't fully understand some of the variables but made a shape after many tries. Then I used the circular pattern to duplicate the shape. Those turbine fans' angles are different from what I wanted, but I don't know how to modify them, and I want to know if there's another way of making them.

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For the inner part, the challenging part was making the tripod shape rods. My solution was to draw a diagonal line and constrain it to anchor the middle line and always the same length. Then I created a plane on the path, so it's perpendicular to the line. I sketched a 2mm circle and used sweep to make the rod. I then used the circular pattern to duplicate the rest two.

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The last step was the thin line cutout texture on the body. I created tangent planes on the body, sketched one narrow box, and extruded it to cut out the body, then used the circular pattern followed by a rectangular pattern.

The model isn't 100% from what I wanted, but I'm happy with what I've achieved. I would love to know where I've done right and wrong.


W4-Components and threads


W2-Aluminum Extrusion Cross-section